Coco Chanel nailed it when she gave her famous style tip; “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.”
And countless others agree (including Team Buster + Punch), less of definitely more. This cleverly-designed kitchen is a near perfect example of how to create a killer look by reducing things down a little. Clean, uncluttered surfaces, symmetry and a neutral palette make the space poised and balanced.

Light in this particular space is handled with exceptional care. Natural light from the large windows are controlled with curtains, so the owners can tailor the level of ambiance inside. Plus the different surface treatments give added dynamism as the light dances across them.
The furniture is simple, with the kitchen’s black island placed with purpose, and everything stretches inwards towards the small alcove where the culinary action plays out. The stand-out feature is a pair of Buster + Punch’s HOOKED 3.0 in BRASS which gives the elegant space a touch of drama.

The beauty of HOOKED in a space like this is that it doesn’t feel overbearing, but still has an aura of a bigger light installation.